
Talk Back Barbie is a unique and hilarious book written by Lauren Lusby Fernandez who worked with the Secret Service. The book dives into the humorous and insightful stories from working in a male-dominated environment to overcoming extreme challenges. Talk Back Barbie: The Secret Service Edition, offers readers a blend of laughter, found courage and valuable lessons.



“The quickest way to failure is not believing in YOUSELF. Others will cut you down, discriminate against you, challenge you, mock you. But ultimately, it is how YOU handle these situations that determine YOUR success or YOUR failure.”



Additionally, I provide speaking engagements. My mission is to entertain, educate, and inspire through storytelling, making each event a memorable experience.

Contact us

Get in touch with Talk Back Barbie for book sales, speaking engagements, or writing workshops.


Talk Back Barbie
Alpharetta, Georgia, United States